Monthly Archives: June 2012

Autographed copies of Love Bite and Bitten By Regret Now Available!

Good morning, everyone! As you may or may not know, I have Love Bite and Bitten By Regret published in paperback format for $6.95 a copy. Well, now I’m offering a deal of my own!

I’m selling signed paperback copies of Love Bite and Bitten By Regret for only $10 a copy for US customers, and $15 for international customers. This includes shipping and handling, so no extra charge!

If you’re interested, you need only complete two simple steps!

1- Send a payment through Paypal for $10 a copy or $15 a copy to

2- Send me an email to that same address letting me know what you purchased and the address you wish them to be mailed to. Include the name that the books should be made out to, please!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me at

Have a great day everyone, and happy reading!

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Bitten By Regret goes FREE!

FREE 6/28-6/30

Love Bite, first in the Just One Bite series, and Bitten By Regret were originally $3.99, but they’ve now been reduced to only $2.99. However, for 3 days, you can get Bitten By Regret for free:

Four months can change so many things. Diandra has come to terms with being a vampire and what that means for her. Lizbeth has landed a new case, and it’s a nasty one: someone is selling tainted heroin on the Delaware streets, a potent mix that’s intended to kill. Jonah returns, seeking a favor from his former wife, and grudgingly from her new love as well. Is a favor all he wants, or is he seeking a way back to the life he had before? RaeLynn is older, growing more every day. This special baby has more tricks up her tiny sleeves!

Lizbeth races the clock to stop the tainted drugs from killing anyone else, while Diandra deals with the regret she feels over the twists her life has taken with just one bite.


Filed under Writing

Who Doesn’t Love Swag???

I’m currently participating in my very first giveaway- a SIGNED paperback of Love Bite is up for grabs, along with a ton of other wonderful prizes, all sponsored by the amaing My Home Away From Home page on Facebook-!/MHAFH. Go give them a “like” and click on the link below to enter the Summer Swag giveaway!

And for those interested who don’t want to deal with contests and the like, Love Bite and Bitten By Regret are only $6.95 a copy on Amazon and CreateSpace. Or email me for an autographed copy- $10 for each signed paperback, and that includes shipping and handling! email for more details.

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Okay, So I’m Gifted….

I must admit, I have not gotten as much writing done as I’ve wanted to. When I near the end of a book you usually have to physically remove me from my laptop to get me to take a break. I write until my eyes water, I’m making so many errors that I’m hitting delete after every other word, and then I still keep writing until my brain and hands scream ENOUGH.

But see, I’m gifted… I got up the other night, managed to catch my toe on the coffee table, and ripped the toenail off my big toe. Yes, I’m a writer… No, I couldn’t make this crap up if I tried. So instead of writing, I’ve been laying around under the influence of pain pills- which doesn’t make for good writing. I should know- I’ve tried.

I’m holding off on the pain medication today because I need to write. It’s an itch, I must scratch. I feel an actual compulsion to write, and I intend to spend my day doing so. Now, if I can keep my daughter and my dog from stepping on my toe, I’ll be able to stay off of the meds today and spend my time working on Taste of Grief and another little side project that needs my time. Not to mention an editing job I have on the side, and marketing- always marketing.

Life is never dull here- but I could use a little dull. Happy writing to all the writers out there today, and happy reading to all the readers!

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Hello, all!

Hi, all! I know it’s be awhile but I’m so busy it’s insane. Still working hard on Taste of Grief so I can publish it soon. It should be available for download on July 15th, and stay tuned- they’ll be a contest coming for it! Yes, I’ll be running my very first contest! I’ll be part of the first Blogger Book Fair, and I’m extremely excited about it. For more info, check out their Facebook page and give them a “like!”!/pages/Blogger-Book-Fair/395936723775998

Stay tuned for more info!

I’m also still working periodically on Teach Me, My Love, as well as a new project that I can’t talk much about it just yet. So I must repeat- stay tuned for more info!

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Bitten By Regret is free today! 6/5

Good morning! Like paranormal romance? Don’t mind a little sex with your cop work? Then why not download Bitten By Regret?

Four months can change so many things. Diandra has come to terms with being a vampire and what that means for her. Lizbeth has landed a new case, and it’s a nasty one: someone is selling tainted heroin on the Delaware streets, a potent mix that’s intended to kill. Jonah returns, seeking a favor from his former wife, and grudgingly from her new love as well. Is a favor all he wants, or is he seeking a way back to the life he had before? RaeLynn is older, growing more every day. This special baby has more tricks up her tiny sleeves!

Lizbeth races the clock to stop the tainted drugs from killing anyone else, while Diandra deals with the regret she feels over the twists her life has taken with just one bite.

Download today, and may your day be wonderful!

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Love Bite Goes Free 6/4!

I’ve reenrolled in the KDP Select program, so Love Bite once again takes a turn at free! I’m excited to be able to offer the beginning of my Just One Bite series as free. Since i’m hard at work on the third book in the series, it’s delightful to be able to share the book that started it all.

Diandra Malone is 28 years old, pregnant, and newly widowed. Lizbeth Snyder is a former cop with a chip on her shoulder. Against all odds they fall in love and life is good… Until the bite. Now Diandra is a vampire, and a new mom to boot! Together she and Lizbeth will uncover a secret Diandra’s husband never wanted revealed, raise a very special baby, and come to grips with a life that changed with just one bite.

Download your free copy on Monday, 6/4, and tell a friend. I hope you fall for the characters.



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Good Morning All!

I know I’ve been fairly quiet lately. Rest assured- that’s a good thing! I’ve been hard at work on Taste of Grief- third in the Just One Bite series. The book is really humming along at a nice pace at the moment. About 15,000 words so far, I’m ahead of schedule for its release. I plan to have it completed and published by July 15th.

I am also working hard on a side project for my Kendra Glenn pen name. My third erotic short story will also be completed and published by the end of July. It’s called Teach Me, My Love. A historical romance writer is about to be dropped by her publishing house unless she finds something new and exciting. with the explosion of the erotica market, she decides to try her hand at erotic fiction. The problem? She doesn’t know very much about it, so she enlists her husband’s help. He helps her with her research, strengthening her career and their marriage. Look for Teach Me, My Love by the end of July. And just to be a good sport and make up for my failure to update, here at the 2 covers for my current projects! Enjoy!

Teach Me, My Love- coming July 31st!


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