Monthly Archives: September 2013

Heaven Can Be Hell is FREE!


Hi, everyone! I just wanted to let you know that my short story, Heaven Can Be Hell, is FREE 9/16-9/18! If you’re seeking something different to read, I’d love for you to give it a try. 


Elsa Morgan had a life most people would envy. She had two great loves in her life, had two beautiful children, and she died peacefully in her sleep at the age of 58. She was thankful for her life and the blessings bestowed upon her…

Until she arrived in Heaven, finding both her loves waiting none too patiently for her, and both men eager to renew their lives together. No, physical pain doesn’t exist in Heaven, but Elsa’s heart can still break. Who will she choose, husband number one, or husband number two?


As always, I want to hear from you! If you download a copy, I’d love your feedback. Please consider returning to Amazon and leaving an honest review! If you enjoy it, tell your friends and family. And you can always reach out to me on Facebook: 

Have a wonderful day, and enjoy! 

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Filed under Writing

Five Questions with… Michelle D’costa!

I’m running a bit behind, all, so please forgive me! It’s been hectic at home, which threw me off my game a bit as far as blogging went. But without further ado, I invite you to meet the wonderful Michelle D’costa! 



1.  When you first started writing, how did the process develop for you- outlining, just started writing, born from a single idea, etc.?


I never outline what I’m going to write. Be it a poem or a story. It begins with an idea, a scene, an image and then words just flow.


 2.  Where do you see your writing career in five years?


Now I am a poet and a short story writer. I hope to be a novelist in five years. That has been my dream all along. To see my name on a book spine.


 3. What message do you want your readers to glean from your writing?


My writing mostly involves humour and grim themes. I always address social issues tinged with sarcasm and dark imagery. I believe in harsh reality and not rosy pictures of life. I want my readers to stop thinking that my stories are autobiographical. I want them to know that through fiction I am speaking on behalf of myself, you and them too.

 4. What’s next for you in the world of books?

I have a poetry collection, a short story collection and a novel waiting on the publisher’s busy desk. Keeping my fingers crossed.


5. What message do you have for your readers, personally?


I am overwhelmed with the response I have received for my work so far.

 But there are still so many bookworms out there who haven’t read my work yet.

Please give me your honest feedback on my short stories and poems.

I only wish to contribute my best to literature. And you can help me achieve my best.


Read a lot. (I still regret not having started reading earlier in life.) Write a lot. (My inspiration is Poet Peycho Kanev who has been published in more than 900 magazines till now.)


Love literature. Love life.


You can read my published works here on my blog


This is my facebook author page


If you are a writer let me introduce you to ‘Alphabet and You’


This is the latest book cover which features my poem on my NRI experience- The Indian Trumpet, Dubai




Here are all other covers of books which has my work in them


Michelle, thank you so much for your time- it was a pleasure getting to know you! 


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Filed under Writing